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Central Catholic High School

Lawrence, MA

Raider Day of Giving 2024

On June 6, CCHS needs your help to reach its goal of 850 gifts by midnight!

Your participation is CENTRAL to the enduring success of our students.

Jennifer Plouffe, Associate Director of Advancement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (1,206)

All (1,206)
A Richard Bonanno
In honor of My Parents
I owe my all to them
AZAR Korbey
Aaron Coppeta
Abigail Maderia
Adam Woidyla
Adam and Kacie Johnston
Adriana O'Rorke
Adrien Ginchereau
Adrienne Reitano
Aidan Sullivan
Al Peterson
Al Salvia
Al Torrisi
Alan Fielding
Alan Fullerton, Jr.
Alana McNeil
Alessandra Caruso
Alex Cain
Alex Diaz
Alexandra Nova
Alexandria Gangi
Alicia Pusatieri
Allison Belliveau
Alyson Melucci (Shaheen)
Alyssa Gowing
Alyssa OBrien
Amanda Fleury
Amato Benedetto
Amica Insurance - Matching Gift
Amit Lele
Amy Clark
In memory of Sean M. Judge
Amy Hughes
Amy Reilly Guillet
Amy Wisnewski
Ana Sine
Andrea Finn
Andrew Boucher
Andrew DeMinico
Andrew Murray
Andrew Santo
Andrew Veilleux
Angela Kulesza
Ania De Los Santos
Anita Qualter
Anita Zompa
Ann Marie (O'Brien) Gerold
Ann Marie Pilat
Ann Perham
Ann-Marie Giarrusso
Anna Favreau
Anne M Beaulieu
As a newcomer to the CCHS community, as a Long-Term Substitute hired to teach in the Art Department through the end of the '23-'24 school year, I've had a chance to witness the positive spirit and dedication of faculty and students- it really is a wonderful community. I want to continue to contribute to the Arts at CCHS!
Anne Martino
Anne-Marie Nyhan-Doherty
CCHS is a wonderful school and we were fortunate to have our teens have this wonderful start.
Annie Finn
Anthony Agudelo
Anthony Bilodeau
Anthony D'Agata
Anthony DiMauro
Anthony Graffeo
Anthony Rizkallah
Anthony Tomaselli
Anthony Vicari
Antonio Lopez
In honor of Francisco Narganes
April Winter
Aram Hampoian
Arleen Bradley
Ashleigh Brown
In honor of Dan Welch '99 and his mother, Kim Loranger Haggar
Ashley Evangelista Read
Ashley Hashem
Ashley Taylor
Audrey Haggar
In memory of CCHS Parent Kim Haggar
Ayadirys Guevara
Barbara Boner
Barbara DeMinico
In honor of Michael Green '93
Barbara Homewood
Barbara Schroeder
Bartolomeo Cesso
Benjamin Hillner
Beth Adamopoulos
Bill Carlson
Bill Chase
Bill Murray
Board of Directors
Bob Mundry
Bonnie Haley
Bonnie Lajoie
Brad Dufresne
Brad MacDougall
In honor of Mr. McCue
Thanks for all of your counsel, for pushing me, for not making it easy in AP Government!
Brandon & Danielle Curley
Brenda Bond-Fortier
Brendan Ferris
Brian Flaherty
Brian Gerow
Brian Griffin
Brian Keleher
Brian Mangano
Brian McGreevy
Brian McNally
In memory of John T. McNally '47
Brian Randone
Brian Richards
Brian Tetreault
Brian Wilson
Brianna Hasbany
Proud to be a Raider!
Brima Padlan
Bruce Denmead
Bruce Touma
Bryce Taylor
Buddy Landers
Caitlin Brooking
Cameron Hebert
Carl Danielson
Carl Izzi
Carla DeSimone
Carlos Alba
Carlos Coloma
Love to continue the tradition. Let’s go for being top class for the 10th time in a row!!
Carmen DeFillippo
To a better future
Carol Beland
Carol DeFillippo-Granara
Wishing all the young ladies a wonderful CCH experience! SMH 77
Carol Potvin
Carol Wilson
Carole King
Caroline Jacobson
Caryn Misquita
Casey Grange
Catherine Boyd
Catherine Canto
Catherine Watkins
Central inspired respect, kindness, and knowledge in all of my sons. Thank you
Celeste Vaughan
Chad & Alicia Pusateri
Chad Perrone
Chad Peters
Charlene Berube
Charlene Traynor
Charles Donahue
Charles Fiorino
Charlotte Mele
Chas Figueroa
Cheryl Baroni
Cheryl O'Connell
Chris Boyd
In honor of Justin Cambell '94
Proud to support CCHS and to continue our classmate Justin's memory.
Chris Dziadosz
Chris Lane
Chris Marchand
In honor of Mr. Hilaire "Eli" Lavoie
Extol - Vocab Key "Toll House Cookies"...Praise Enthusiastically!
Chris Romero
Christian Hayon
In honor of Carlos Hayon
Just a good guy
Christie Storniolo
Christina Jaracz
Christine Akstin
Christine Dunn
Christine Gnabasik
Christine Thompson
Christopher Affolter
Christopher Dick
Christopher Faticanti
Christopher George
In honor of Donald A. George
In memory of Donald A. George
A wonderful school and faculty. Very proud to be an Alumni and a parent of two Alumni
Christopher King
Christopher Laird
Let's go RAIDERS!!!
Christopher Max
Christopher McCarthy
Christopher Melia
Go Raiders!!!
Christopher Merrill '89
In memory of Peter V. O'Sullivan '67
We are proud to be supporting members of Central Catholic High School, a community that has shaped our lives in such positive and impactful ways through multiple generations. GO RAIDERS!!!
Christopher Pollone
Christopher Sullivan
Christopher Theriault
Christopher Wilbar
Chuck Adamopoulos
Chuck Daly
Chuck Putney
Cindy Sun
Claire Coco
Claire Mundry
Clarisol DeMontero
Claudette Medvecky
Clifton Spinney
Colby Merrill
Colette Madore
Colleen Santo
Corinne Martin
Corrine Hasbany
Courtney Doiron
Courtney Woronka
Go Raiders
Craig Gilbert
Curtis Boucher
Cynthia Kazanjian
In memory of DANNY WELCH (1999)
Dan Ciardiello
In honor of Daniel E. Ciardiello ‘50
Dan Farley
Dan Sousa
Appreciate all that you do!
Dan Young
Daniel Ballou
Daniel Cargill
Daniel DeFillippo
In memory of Justin Campbell
Daniel Fluet
Daniel Guillet
Daniel Lang
Daniel Maniatakos
In honor of Cristine Maniatakos
Daniel Martin
Daniel Mearls
Best school ever !!
Daniel Norris
Daniel Skusevich
Darlene Randone
Dave Beaudoin
David Abdoo
Foundational values for life. Great times, great friends, and a great education!
David Barton
In honor of Hank Koza
Had 4 productive years at CCHS
David Beaudry
In memory of Monsieur LaCroix and Coach O
David Beliveau
In honor of Armand M. Beliveau, CCHS Class of 1948
Best people I have met in all of my years in school.
David Buckley
David Callahan
David Chavez
David Coco
David Crowley
David DeFillippo
In honor of all my 1966 classmates of CCHS, St. Mary HS & PMA
David DelleChiaie
David Desimone
David Dumaresq
David Erwin
David Girouard
David Grant
David Hall
In memory of Niall Murphy 99’
David Hasbany
David Lemay
David Miles
Good school Good people Good values
David Pekarski
David Raine
David Shaheen
Central Pride : It lasts a lifetime
David Shamberger
David Stansfield
David Tressler
Dawn Hamlin
Dawn Kelley
Dawn Swain
Dean Campolini
Dean Murphy
Deborah Sapienza
Debra Drew
Demetri Papoulias
Denis Beaulieu
Denis Lavin
Denise Bonanno
Denise Horan
Dennis Bilodeau
Dennis T.Martino
Derek Desharnais
Derek Jackson
Development Committee
Devin Sullivan
Diana Chase
Diana Landers
Diane Beaulieu
Dominick Steadman
Donald Boisvert
In honor of Marcel & Anita Boisvert
It is time to support our heritage. Step up!!
Donald Hebert